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The Art and Science of Espresso Brewing: Time vs. Weight, and the Right Pressure

Updated: Mar 22

Espresso machine pouring a shot into a white mug

Espresso, the intense coffee beverage that is both a science and an art, is beloved around the world for its rich flavor and creamy texture. Achieving the perfect shot of espresso is a journey of understanding and mastering variables such as brewing recipes, extraction time versus weight, and the right brewing pressure. In this blog, we delve into these critical factors that can make or break your espresso.

Espresso Brewing Recipes: A Foundation for Perfection

At its core, an espresso brewing recipe is a formula that dictates the coffee to water ratio, grind size, brewing time, and pressure used to make espresso. This recipe is crucial because it sets the stage for the extraction process, influencing the flavor, body, and aroma of the final shot. A common starting point is the “Golden Ratio” of 1:2, meaning for every gram of coffee, two grams of water is used. However, this is just a foundation. The best baristas tweak this ratio based on the coffee bean’s origin, roast level, and desired flavor profile.

Time vs. Weight: Balancing Extraction and Strength

Extraction time and weight are closely intertwined in brewing espresso. Time refers to how long water is in contact with coffee grounds, typically between 25 to 30 seconds. Weight is the output weight of the espresso shot. These two variables are essential for balancing extraction (the process of dissolving flavors from coffee grounds into water) and strength (the concentration of coffee in the final shot).

A shorter extraction time with a higher weight may result in a under-extracted shot that’s weak and sour because not all flavors were extracted. Conversely, a longer extraction time with a lower weight can lead to over-extraction, making the espresso taste bitter and harsh. Finding the right balance depends on careful experimentation and adjustment to your brewing recipe.

The Right Pressure: The Heart of Espresso

Pressure is what sets espresso apart from other coffee brewing methods. The standard pressure for espresso machines is around 9 bars, which is approximately 9 times the atmospheric pressure at sea level. This high pressure forces hot water through finely ground coffee, creating the espresso’s signature crema and extracting flavors that other brewing methods cannot achieve.

However, “the right pressure” is not just about hitting the 9-bar mark. It’s also about how this pressure is applied during the brewing process. Some espresso machines allow for pressure profiling, which means changing the pressure throughout the extraction to highlight different flavor notes and achieve a more balanced shot.


Mastering espresso brewing is a complex process that requires understanding the intricate balance between brewing recipes, extraction time versus weight, and the right brewing pressure. By experimenting with these variables and adjusting based on taste, anyone can work towards brewing the perfect shot of espresso. Whether you’re a seasoned barista or a home enthusiast, the journey of exploring espresso is a rewarding one, filled with delicious discoveries and the joy of sharing a beautifully crafted cup of coffee.

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