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Undoubtedly one of the most recognizable and elegant coffee makers available. The CHEMEX® was designed in 1941 and has been making delicious coffee ever since.


Its non-porous, heat-resistant glass construction, combined with proprietary, scientifically designed filters, produces coffee with clarity and complexity.


In fact, it's the filters that are the star of the CHEMEX® show. They are 20-30% heavier than other filters and remove even the finest sediment particles. The design of the filter facilitates the proper infusion time by regulating the filtration rate - about a 4 minute brew.


One warning: As the filters are made of heavy paper, they require a full rinse with hot water, before brewing, to remove any paper taste.


Since the CHEMEX® is made out of glass, you can see the coffee as it brews and, as it's a pour over method, you can also customize your particular brew method very easily.

It comes with a polished wood collar and leather tie: the collar serving as an insulated handle around the middle of the coffeemaker.


The CHEMEX® is so cool that it has a permanent display in the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and is how James Bond makes his coffee. What other endorsements do you need?

CHEMEX® Six Cup Classic

Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 1 review
    • 30oz (887ml) capacity
    • Easy to clean - just remove filter and rinse through
    • Heat-resistant glass made in Germany
    • Requires CHEMEX® filters
    • Super pretty!
    • Polished wood collar with leather tie made in the USA
  • The Eight Ounce Method


    • Place a filter in the top of the CHEMEX®.
    • Pour hot/boiling water through until all of the filter is saturated.
    • Pour the water out of the CHEMEX®, via the channel, ensuring that the filter remains in place
    • Grind and add coffee into the filter
    • Start timer and pour enough water (195-205º) to saturate the coffee
    • Swirl or stir coffee to fully saturate and let bloom for 45 seconds
    • Add rest of water pouring in a clockwise, circular motion, without pouring to the very edge or overfilling the filter
    • Once draw down is complete, remove the filter and the coffee is ready to serve!


    The CHEMEX® Method


    • Get Into The Grind
      Grind your favorite whole bean coffee to a medium coarse ground.
    • Filter Up
      Open a CHEMEX® Bonded Coffee Filter into a cone shape so that one side of the cone has three layers, and place it into the top of the CHEMEX® Coffeemaker. The thick three-layer portion should cover the pouring spout.
    • The Scoop
      Put one rounded tablespoon of ground coffee for every 5 oz. cup into the filter cone. Feel free to use more if you prefer it stronger; our CHEMEX® Coffeemaker brewing process eliminates bitterness and acidity.
    • Let It Bloom
      Once you have brought the appropriate amount of water to a boil, remove it from the heat and allow it to stop boiling vigorously. Pour a small amount of water in a circular motion over the coffee grounds to wet them, and wait for about 30 seconds for the grounds to "bloom".
    • First Pour
      After the grounds bloom, slowly pour the water over the grounds while keeping the water level well below the top of the CHEMEX® Coffeemaker (a quarter inch or more).
    • Brew On
      Slowly pour the remaining water over the grounds, using a circular or back-and-forth motion as you pour to ensure an even saturation of the coffee.
    • Toss The Filter
      Once the desired amount of coffee is brewed, lift the filter with spent grounds out of the brewer and discard. Our filters are biodegradable and compostable.
    • Enjoy The Perfect Cup
      Pour your freshly made coffee into your CHEMEX® mug and indulge in the flavor.


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
Based on 1 review
1 review

  • FelipeJun 19
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    So beautiful

    I love the Chemex, the size is perfect despite it’s not really a 6 six cup unless you drink really small cups.

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